• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012


Hello there, friends. My main job here is to peruse the stories on this site, and read them. I can work as an Editor in my spare time though. I have high hopes for my new story, as well. Best of luck.

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This story is a sequel to No Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows first but it's not absolutely required.

Baked Bean was just a regular citizen of Equestria until one fateful day when he accidentally booped Princess Celestia's nose with his own and then found he was forced to marry her to fulfil the terms of an ancient law. Miraculously, Love has blossomed between the princess and the pauper, and the new Prince of Equestria is now looking forward to taking his place at the side of the Princess of the Sun.

But Baked Bean is still very much a novice in the realms of government and nobility, and he's in for quite the crash course between old foes, snobby ministers, and his own shortcomings...

But at least Luna tolerates him now.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Proofread and Preread once again by Georg, Moon Fire, Zen and Ponies, and Sipioc!

And with much thanks to You-Know-Who for the cover art!

Chapters (42)

This story is a sequel to The God Empress of Ponykind

One thousand years ago, Luna, Warmistress of Equestria and sister of Empress Celestia, fell to the powers of Chaos and plunged Equestria into a brutal civil war. The Traitors were defeated, but not before Luna made the ultimate sacrifice and was sealed away in the Immaterium with only the soul of a slain Primarch to keep her company. For a millennium she has been locked away, waiting for a chance to return to her home and her sister.

Now, she has been freed from the Immaterium, and as she takes her first steps in a new Equestria, one ruled by the powers of Harmony, only one question remains:

Does Equestria still need the services of a Warmistress?

Comments may contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Also Tropes. Please contribute.

Chapters (6)

[Displaced] When our hero went to a costume party, he never expected to end up in pretty pink pony land as Fairy Tail's most badass fire dragon. After an interesting turn of events, he is now the Red Diamond, the King of the Crystal Empire!

Be ready for humor, fights, and maybe avoiding responsibilities.

[All Fairy Tail characters used are not mine, only the creator's. Please don't hate me...]

Chapters (4)

The Brony Fandom lived long and old. Memes were made, ponies were enjoyed, and lives were rearranged to accommodate. As time went on, the passion that once fired up the community became just a flickering spark, and so the Brony name waned until, finally, the fandom died to obscurity.

That was it for user TutorialBlues88, who swore off his Brony pride after over two decades. But nostalgia one day invoked him to reflect on philosophies of a fandom long since dead. He wondered if it’s okay to turn back, to enjoy ponies once again even if its alone.

In meeting death, reincarnation gave Tutorial the opportunity to discover for himself what friendship and ponies meant to him, redefining and revisiting lessons attended since Season One.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

What do you get when you place a pompous, prissy and petulant prince with an absolutely insane former extraterrestrial individual with a bad case of Chaos?

Love, adventures, spying, strong desires to strangle the other, romance, lots and lots of foals, grimdark, pudding, cults, injustice, justice, strong friendship, weak sanity, history, stories, a rocket jumpsuit, three opportunities to take over the world and a cockatrice. On Sunday.

Things… You get things.

And when you're especially lucky, you get a great cover art from an artist like Mix-up (also seen on fimfic here)

Chapters (7)

Set only a week after the banishment of Princess Luna to the moon, the realm of Equestria is in a state of upheaval. Celestia's royal guard attempt to regain control over the vast empire once ruled by dual monarchs, and the young alicorn's actions as a ruler have become a subject of scrutiny after her sister's attempted coup. Two factions have risen in the turmoil: The Knights of the Sun and The Bright Moon.

Far away from the political infighting and sword rattling exists a small mining town on the outskirts of Equestrian territory. Where once the royal guard would have no trouble fending off raids from bandits or other criminals, the panic of the capitol has caused a withdrawal of military forces to more essential cities and trading ports. Completely undefended and without a spell or sword amongst them, this town was soon overrun by a band of bi-pedal canines calling themselves the Diamond Dogs. As brutal as they are lazy, the Diamond Dogs have forced the local population to work until collapse to collect gems from the town mine.

Outraged by his inability to fend off these bandits and thieves, a young unicorn named Bone Marrow tries with all of his might to find his purpose in life - his cutie mark - and hopes that it will be enough to drive off the invaders of his home. He will soon discover that his special talent is far more than he bargained for.

((A Sequel will begin for this story as soon as I finish I Am a Pet Changeling. Stay tuned on Discord! https://discord.gg/nDXd3AB ))

Chapters (30)

Shining Armor has many secrets. The first is that he has a diary, that he lovingly calls his Shining's Logs. And the second is that he is a reincarnated human. See how both secrets effect the life and relationships of Shining Armor, and help shape the future.

Explores the relationship between Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, and how it set both of them on their respective paths. Also explores the development of Shining Armor into the captain of the guard, his relationship with Cadence, and the powers of love and friendship.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Divine Entertainment

Atlas, Discord and Starswirl have safely arrived in the newly founded Equestria. The ponies that came before them already built up quite a few flourishing cities, setting aside their differences and living together in harmony.

Close to one such newly founded town, Atlas built what he personally insists on calling a "secret lab" where he conducts research and experiments to gain a better understanding of runic magic. Assisted by his adopted son Discord and his scholarly friend Starswirl, they'll have to recreate this lost art if Atlas wants to be prepared for the foretold showdown between the greek gods. All while keeping an eye out for the events that are supposed to bring the true Equestria into existence.

This sequel story will focus mostly on Atlas' research into runes and the timeline that is known to him. Therefore I've decided to replace the adventure tag from the last story with slice of life, although there might still be some adventure-y chapters.

Cover Art by Navanastra, go check out his awesome stories!

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Research! Arc:
Chapter 1 - 4
9’208 Words

Travels! Arc:
Chapter 5 - 7
12'858 Words

Research 2, Research Harder! Arc:
Chapter 8 - 11
7'920 Words

The Two Sisters Arc:
Chapter 12 - 23
38'885 Words

Equestria Arc:
Chapter 24 - xxx

Chapters (29)

It started when ponies started going missing. It was small towns and villages that reported them first.

After an attack on Manehattan of seemingly unknown origins, The Regal Sisters begin talks of reviving an ancient order meant to defend Equestria and the rest of the known world from threats deemed 'other worldly'.

Much to her dismay, Twilight is chosen to lead Equestria's first—and last—line of defense.

I figured I could put my ongoing misadventures in X-COM and turn them into a fic of some kind.
Wanna be involved in the war? Join The Initiative here!

Kinda toyed with this idea for a bit until I was completely comfortable with it. Hope you like it! Please leave any feedback in the comments!

Chapters (23)

You've finally joined the Equestrian Royal Guard! A little too late though, as you're now serving the Queen of Darkness. But, just because the environment has changed doesn't mean that you can't do the job you've always wanted to do.
And Nightmare Moon seems to have similar feelings about her own role.

Warning: contains lots of ponies killing and being killed. Not in inherently disturbing ways, but death is still a pretty big deal.

Chapters (1)